Case 1. Guzman Acain LLP obtained a favorable judgment issued by the Regional Trial Court, Branch 144, Makati City declaring the marriage of our client void from the beginning on the grounds of psychological incapacity under Article 36 of the Family Code. To prove the respondent’s psychological incapacity, we presented five (5) witnesses including the clinical psychologist as the expert witness. The Court ruled that Petitioner was able to prove the requirements to declare the marriage void on the ground of psychological incapacity, as follows:

(a) Juridical Antecedence. We have shown proof through the testimonies of our witnesses that the root cause of the respondent’s personality disorder stems from the way her parents brought her up as a child. Through the testimony of our witness who personally grew up with the respondent, he was able to observe her behavior, it has been proven that the respondent’s parents gave her everything she wanted to the point she became spoiled-from having a pager to studying in an exclusive school for girls even if it meant that her caprices may greatly affect her parent’s meager income. The testimony has also proven that the respondent had the propensity to follow her desires since she still proceeded to have numerous relationships despite her parents forbidding her from having boyfriends due to her then tender age. The testimony of our witness also corroborated the early stages of the respondent’s gambling habit when he testified that the respondent’s family influenced her to gamble and that as an adolescent, she often gambled and made bets with neighbors.

(b) Gravity and Incurability. We submitted proof and testimonies of our witnesses that the narcissistic personality disorder of the respondent, although it has been proven to exist before the marriage, became even more manifest in terms of its gravity during the marriage itself. The gambling habit of the respondent escalated to a point where it was not merely a financial problem but it permeated to such a degree that it affected the welfare of the children. The respondent spent most of her time gambling and could not give the proper attention that she should have given her children while growing up. She spent her days, time, and effort in gambling while always making her children even wait for her outside the casinos she frequented. By the frank account of their child, it has been proven that the respondent did not take care of him and his siblings, exposed them to the world of gambling by bringing them to casino places and neighbor’s houses, and even spent the son’s tuition fee at the expense of his son’s future and education. Her son, as the eldest child, having no tuition to continue his studies, decided to resort to working as a delivery rider to augment the income that should have been spent on the family but is squandered to finance a pernicious gambling habit.

Case 2. Our team obtained a favorable judgment issued by the Regional Trial Court, Branch 163, Taguig City declaring the marriage of our client void from the beginning on the grounds of psychological incapacity of our client under Article 36 of the Family Code. Our client was proven to be self-centered, boastful, and full of himself. He does not handle rejections lightly. When he was turned down twice by women whom he courted, he promised himself never to be rejected again. While they were sweethearts, our client flattered his wife by pampering her with material things. He bought her clothes, shoes, and perfume and brought her to fancy restaurants. He also brought her to places that she had never been to. During the marriage, his wife noticed that he was very strict, perfectionist, and demanding.  As they lived together, he began to complain about his wife. He found her to be neglectful of herself. He disliked her for gaining some weight while pregnant. He also complained about her physical hygiene. The psychiatrist also testified that our client’s psychological incapacity has juridical antecedence being deeply rooted, grave, and incurable.  

Case 3. Guzman Acain LLP obtained a favorable judgment issued by the Regional Trial Court, Branch 94, Quezon City declaring the marriage of our client void from the beginning on the grounds of psychological incapacity under Article 36 of the Family Code. Our client was married to a brother of a male celebrity who slept with other women. One day, he complained of having a problem urinating. Our client accompanied him to the hospital to see a doctor. Her husband told her that the result of his medical examination was he had a urinary tract infection and was prescribed some medication. She asked her
nurse friend about it and discovered that the medicine prescribed by the doctor was for the treatment of Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). Our client was scared and had herself checked by the same doctor who also found her positive for STD. When she confronted her husband about it, he was enraged, threw things at her, and strangled her by the neck.

Case 4. Our team obtained a favorable judgment issued by the Regional Trial Court, Branch 69, Taguig City declaring the marriage of our client void from the beginning on the grounds of psychological incapacity of our client under Article 36 of the Family Code. The Psychiatrist failed to obtain sufficient information about the respondent rendering him incapable of making a declaration whether he is psychologically incapacitated. The Court also opined that the respondent should have been declared psychologically incapacitated had there been sufficient information about him. This is a case about our client, a foreign national who visited the Philippines for the first time. She went to gamble and met a gambler-hunk in the Casino. She married this person one week later and lived together as husband and wife in a rented apartment in Laguna. Just one week into the marriage, she overheard her husband over the phone selling her to the highest bidder for sex. She wasted no time, packed her things, and ran. Eight years later, she filed a case to dissolve the marriage. The Office of the Solicitor General represented the State and filed a Motion for Reconsideration from the Judgement declaring the marriage void, which the Court denied.

Case 5. Our team obtained a favorable judgment issued by the Regional Trial Court, Branch 254, Las Piñas City declaring the marriage of our client void from the beginning on the grounds of the psychological incapacity of her husband under Article 36 of the Family Code and for failure to consummate the marriage due to lack of cohabitation during the marriage. Our client suffered from “vaginismus” which is a condition that causes the vaginal muscles to automatically tighten in anticipation of vaginal penetration. In simple terms, the vagina would become too small to accept penetration.

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