Recently, the Supreme Court issued a Resolution approving the new guidelines for the filing of Petitions for Annulment, Nullity of Marriage and Legal Separation. This is very important because the non-compliance of the new Guidelines will be a cause for the outright dismissal of your Petition.
We have emphasized on our website Advisory about this strict implementation of the Supreme Court Circular on the residence of the parties in Annulment and Nullity cases. You have to show proof of residency of at least 6 months before the filing of the Petition. Also, the handling lawyer needs to sign an Affidavit that your residence is true, of his/her knowledge.
For logical and practical reasons, we only accept Annulment cases if you or your spouse is a resident of Metro Manila and only upon showing to us your proof of residency.
You may download our short presentation of the Residency Guidelines on Annulment and Nullity cases in PDF format in the link below.
For your questions and inquiries, contact us. Let’s Talk.