Renowned aviation lawyer Alex Acain was among the select few invited to a prestigious private wealth event in Hong Kong yesterday. The exclusive gathering, hosted by the Private Wealth practice of international law firm Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, focused on the acquisition and financing of private jets. Held at the Lamborghini showroom in Pico Tower, Wan Chai, the event offered a unique setting for in-depth discussions. With only 35 coveted slots available, Alex’s presence underscored his reputation as a key player in the aviation law sector.

Beyond the event, Alex also took the opportunity to visit the Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman’s Hong Kong office. This visit facilitated valuable interactions with fellow legal professionals, allowing them to delve into ongoing aviation law cases.


Hong Kong
Private Wealth Conference

October 19, 2018, Lamborghini Showroom, Pico Tower, Wanchai, Hong Kong 



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